I help Business Owners, Athletes and Other High Performers
Optimize Their Energy In Order to Earn More and Perform at Their Highest Levels.
Optimize Their Energy In Order to Earn More and Perform at Their Highest Levels.

Listen To Dr. Tim’s Interview
Broken Gut to Big Butt: How A Busted Digestive System Can Make You Hormonally Fat.
BenGreenFieldFitness.comInternal Stressors with Dr. Tim Jackson: Zeroing in on the Root Causes of Leaky Gut, Thyroid Issues, Adrenal Fatigue…
JackKruse.comAchieving Optimal: Dr. Tim Jackson on Healing Your Hormones
October 24, 2013 JackKruse.comWho is Dr. Tim Jackson?
Dr. Tim’s story, in his own words
Thanks for stopping by HealYourBody.org! This site, for me, represents the beginning of my life’s work and is the culmination of a journey I started nearly 15 years ago as a pre-med student interested understanding how to truly heal the body.
I finished undergrad at Wake Forest University as a Health Science & Chemistry major with every intention of going to medical school for my MD. I somehow got into strength training and nutrition during undergrad and became interested in what would later become known as “functional medicine.”
I was burning the candle at both ends, working several part time jobs and keeping a perfect GPA, and I really got sick. I was dealing with a lot of symptoms that had me concerned: fatigue, insomnia, joint pain, decreased libido, inability to recover from exercise, constipation and frequent stomach pain. I spent the last two years of undergrad trying to find someone to help me.
My parents relied on mainstream medicine when I was a kid, and I was prescribed antiobiotics like it was candy…Read More