Christine Coen, R.D., CPT joins Dr. Tim to discuss how to heal from burnout. She defines burnout and how to know if you are suffering from it, as well as how to know if you are living in a fight, flight or freeze mode. Christine covers her own journey in which she healed from burnout and chronic stress. Dr. Tim and Christine talk about the importance of FEELING something versus intellectualizing it. How do you identify what is causing your burnout? All of this AND more in this episode of The Boss Body Podcast.
Over 12 years, Christine’s work as a Dietitian + Fitness Professional evolved based on her own struggle & overcoming of burnout, anxiety, & depression through a variety of holistic methods that she now teaches today. Her work fuses simple but powerful somatic practices, nervous system healing out of chronic fight, flight, freeze, & tuning into the wisdom of your own body. She is passionate about helping stressed Type As break through stress & burnout to increase energy & flow in life & work.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/christine.coen/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChristineCoenBurnoutMentalHealthDietitian
Free Workshop: https://christinecoen.samcart.com/products/freeburnoutworkshop/
Website: https://www.instagram.com/christine.coen/
Episode Transcript
Click the link below to read the transcript from today’s episode:
All the best,
Dr. Tim Jackson