Today Dr. Tim is replaying one of his favorite episodes of The Boss Body Podcast! Dr. Tim Jackson and Ari Whitten discuss the importance of mitochondrial health for optimal health and hormone balance. They explain how mitochondria are not just energy generators but also environmental sensors that sense signals from the environment based on the degree of threats or danger signals or total body stress load that the body is under. The discussion also covers the concept of the cell danger response and the two modes of mitochondria – energy production and cellular defense. They suggest ways to enhance mitochondrial health, including reintegrating hormetic stress into daily life through exercise, breath-holding practices, intermittent hypoxic training, and sauna therapy.
Ari Whitten is the founder of The Energy Blueprint system, a comprehensive lifestyle and supplement program which has helped more than two million people (and counting) experience optimal health, better performance, and more energy. He’s also the bestselling author of The Ultimate Guide to Red Light Therapy, and the host of the popular The Energy Blueprint Podcast, which features the world’s leading natural health experts. In 2020, Ari was voted #1 Health Influencer by Mindshare, the largest natural and functional medicine community. For more than 25 years, Ari has been dedicated to the study of human health science. He holds a M.S. in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine, a B.S. in Kinesiology, certifications as a Corrective Exercise Specialist and Performance Enhancement Specialist from the National Academy of Sports Medicine, and he has completed all of the coursework for a Clinical Psychology Ph.D. You can find his podcast, programs, and supplement formulas at www.theenergyblueprint.com.
Episode Transcript
Click the link below to read the transcript from today’s episode:
All the best,
Dr. Tim Jackson