Dr. Darin Ingels, N.D. joins Dr. Tim to discuss all things allergies and asthma. Dr. Darin covers the root causes behind these two conditions, environmental factors behind allergies and asthma, how to treat them, and why immunotherapy is essential to overcome them. He walks us through his typical order of treatment with patients and covers nutrition and supplementation tips that aid in overcoming atopic disorders. Allergies and asthma are on the rise; so, join Dr. Tim and Dr. Darin and learn how to help yourself and your family!
Dr. Darin Ingels is a licensed naturopathic doctor, author, international speaker and leading authority on Lyme disease. He is a former Lyme patient who overcame his own 3-year battle with Lyme disease, after having failed conventional treatment and became progressively debilitated. Dr. Ingels found that proper diet, lifestyle management and natural therapies worked with his body to heal instead of against it. He then applied what he learned about his own healing journey to his own Lyme patients and found they recovered faster and with less side effects. Dr. Ingels has now treated more than 8000 Lyme patients using his novel approach, many who have gone on to live healthy, symptom-free lives. Dr. Ingels has been featured on WebMD, MindBodyGreen, BeWell, ThriveGlobal, Motherly and Dr. Ron Hoffman’s Intelligent Medicine podcast and is the author of The Lyme Solution: A 5-Part Plan to Fight the Inflammatory Autoimmune Response and Beat Lyme Disease.
Website: https://dariningelsnd.com
Episode Transcript
Click the link below to read the transcript from today’s episode:
All the best,
Dr. Tim Jackson