Healing with Whole Foods, Exercise, and Strategic Supplementation with Doug "The Formulator" Grant

Healing with Whole Foods, Exercise, and Strategic Supplementation with Doug "The Formulator" Grant

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In this episode of the Boss Body Podcast, Dr. Tim Jackson interviews Doug Grant, a nutritionist and functional medicine expert. They discuss the importance of blood work for assessing health, the dangers of focusing solely on aesthetics, and the benefits of a data-driven approach to wellness. They also touch on common imbalances that can be identified through blood work, the importance of whole food vitamins, and the role of lifestyle and environmental factors in health. The conversation also covers the significance of a holistic approach to health, the role of electrolytes, the misleading marketing of sports drinks, and the concept of a health identity trait.


Episode highlights:

  • Importance of blood work and data-driven approaches to improving health and performance
  • Regular blood work as a universal language for athletes from different countries
  • Misconception of focusing solely on aesthetics compromising overall health
  • Imbalances identified through blood work: high MCV, vitamin D deficiency, elevated CRP levels
  • Significance of vitamin D and its association with depression and compromised immune function
  • Importance of monitoring CRP levels to assess overall inflammation in the body
  • Importance of consuming whole food vitamins rather than synthetic ones
  • Assessing clients’ lifestyles, including circadian rhythm and exposure to EMFs
  • Holistic approach to health and wellness, addressing root causes of health issues
  • Importance of electrolytes in maintaining optimal health and potential dangers of imbalances
  • Criticism of sports drinks and marketing tactics used by companies like Gatorade and Powerade
  • Professional athletes’ focus on health behind the scenes and media portrayal
  • Importance of creating a health identity trait for guidance and consistency in health journey.


Connect with guest:

Nicknamed Doug the Formulator by NBA players.  Doug was the first Nutritionist in the NBA.  He spends the majority of his time formulating whole food products and training 1,000s of Doctors a year on how they can read bloodwork nutritionally and serve their patients holistically. He was recently inducted into the natural bodybuilding hall of fame for his contribution in helping athletes and the public reach high performance without drugs. He and his 3x Ms Olympia wife do concierge health coaching for elite CEO’s and spouses like Russell Brunson, David Meltzer, Dr Ben Hardy, Alison Prince and others.

There goal is to help raise the standard and f health through FIT.N.E.SS

Website: OHS4LIFE.com

Website: OptimalGains.com 

Instagram and Facebook-  douglasdgrant


Episode Transcript

Click the link below to read the transcript from today’s episode:



All the best,

Dr. Tim Jackson

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