In this podcast episode, Dr. Tim Jackson hosts Dr. Tom Seager, an expert in cold water immersion therapy. They discuss the differences between cryotherapy and cold plunging, the benefits of cold water immersion therapy, and the evolutionary adaptation of humans to cold water. Dr. Seager explains the role of brown adipose tissue and its metabolic effects during cold exposure. He shares his personal journey with cold plunging and its positive impact on his health. The conversation also covers the potential of cold exposure in managing autoimmune disorders, the concept of regulatory capture in government roles, and the psychological benefits of cold water immersion therapy.
Dr. Thomas P Seager is an Associate Professor in the School of Sustainable Engineering & the Built Environment at Arizona State University in Tempe AZ. Dr. Seager’s teaching and research is focused on a new approach called Self-Actual Engineering, which is about designing our infrastructure, our technologies, our relationships, and our lives to reach our fullest human potential. You can read more about his approach, where he writes from his engineering expertise in resilience, finance, and his personal experiences as a father, a scientist, a writer, a journalist, an artist, and an entrepreneur https://medium.com/@seagertp
Website: morozkoforge.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seagertp/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/seagertp
Episode Transcript
Click the link below to read the transcript from today’s episode:
All the best,
Dr. Tim Jackson